Mar 20, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Journee is almost 10 months old now and we officially began planning her 1st birthday party! Yikes... where has the time gone? She is quite active and so desperately wants to be mobile. She has the backward crawl down but hasn't quite figured out how to move forward yet, which frustrates her greatly. We are hoping she will just skip the whole crawling thing (since the idea of her being on all fours on the potentially dirty ground doesn't quite thrill her mama!) and just go straight to walking! We may have a little while though before that will occur.
Journee's 2 top front teeth offically popped through as well, so she now has 4 teeth in!

Pretty certain this will be my final opportunity to snap a picture with a ridiculous bow on her head.... she figured out how to promptly pull them off as soon I put them on her head!

Feb 17, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our little lovebug is 8 1/2 months old now and got to celebrate her first Valentine's Day at the fire station.
Journee's most recent accomplishment is that she can wave now.... well,we know she's waving but others may not quite know exactly what she is doing! She certainly gets an A for effort though!

Happy Valentine's Day!

She got to visit her Valentine!

Jan 28, 2012

8 Months Old Already!

I have been slacking off a little with updates lately so am going to attempt to recap what has been going on the past month. First of all, Journee is 8 months old already which we can't believe! We are already starting to think about her 1st birthday party which will be right around the corner.
Journee is sitting up now and started doing that about a month ago, along with rolling over back and forth. We suppose we now have crawling to look forward in the near future. Journee is growing like crazy and at her appointment 2 weeks ago, she was 15 lbs, 9 oz but she has definitely put on some lbs since then!
Her hair has been growing quite a bit too and is is finally long enough for a barrette which mom is very excited about because now dad has no excuse for not putting an accessory in her hair when he is watching her! :)

We had to show off a picture of her with her first barrette

Jan 8, 2012

First Christmas

Christmas was particularly special this year because it was Journee's first Christmas! Billy had to work on Christmas day but he was able to get Christmas Eve off and we spent the morning together as a family and then went over to Grandpa and Grandma Lawe's house.
Grandma Judy came for a visit days prior and Journee had a lot of fun spending time with her as well.

We just love our Christmas Cutie!

Journee was so excited when Daddy got home to open gifts with her on Christmas Eve!

She appears to be pleased with her gifts

Journee was showing off on the piano for her aunts and uncle!